Tag Archives: poems

Sample Walt Whitman Real Estate Marketing Prose

1 Jul


I sing a song of exposed fir timbers, taut and high, bathed in the amber glow of dawn, embraced, as if by the strong-gentle arms of a lover, soaring 14′ unfinished.. and stained with clear polyurethane to enhance the grain, empowered-Enlightened by the Sun.

Featuring a large pantry with space and outlets suitable for a second fridge..sheltering and preserving; can we ever be certain?

Waking with the sun we face the day undaunted, with dual shower heads and a dramatic glass wall, washing us, as a waterfall of grace. Abundant.

We yield to the Unverse: Mother Earth we worship you with ample windows facing North and South, with the long axis bearing
West….as your Majestic Firmament seduces me to embrace the rhythm of your rising and falling Sunlight.

I cry to the Market, powerful and provocative to Fate, demanding that I be empowered with tectonic strength and lichen-patience….water-force, wind, and Love.
Make My Deals Profound.
Make My Clients Holy-Faithful.
Make My Bank Account Resilient and Bottomless.
Make My Leases Rapidly Executed.
My Closings Smooth,
And My Pipeline Robust.

When I Lie Asleep

7 Mar


When I lie asleep
and dream-sail the Zzz’s
perchance I’d ponder..
Where would I be
without a you and a me?

Well, I’d be adrift and lost,
without sails
and storm-tossed.
That’s where I’d be
without a you and a me.

Or on a desert isle
baked by the sun
with no water for miles
and miles and miles and miles.
That’s where I’d be
without a you and a me.

Lost in space,
billion year-old carbon
stardust aloft,
and then just…gone.
That’s where I’d be
without a you and a me.

Together we rise,
together we fall.
Together we thrive,
and sharing OurSelves
through it all
we interweave OurSelves

When I lie asleep
and dream-sail the Zzz’s
perchance I’d ponder..
A you and a me,
and I smile that We Be.


**Photo Credit: Gil Vick, 1992**